Blog, department news, News Releases

Get ready to toast to a summer of fun with Magic City Sips (MCS), Birmingham’s highly anticipated city-wide happy hour series! Happening every Wednesday from May 29 to August 28, 2024, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., this event promises to spotlight Birmingham’s rich culinary landscape and vibrant community. Whether you’re a local or just visiting, SIPS provides an excellent opportunity to explore the city’s culinary scene and meet new people.

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Announcements, Blog, Front page news, News Releases

The Birmingham Transit Authority (BJCTA) and Birmingham On-Demand are teaming up to expand microtransit in east Birmingham.

BJCTA’s new service, MAX On-Demand, will begin running in the Kingston, Inglenook and Woodlawn neighborhoods starting May 20. MAX On-Demand offers corner-to-corner rides in multi-passenger vans within the service area for $1.50 one way for the first person and $0.75 for each additional rider. keep reading


Announcements, Blog, Board Information, department news, News Releases

Charlotte Shaw, Director and CEO of the Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority (BJCTA), has once again clinched the Executive Leader of the Year award at the annual Minority Business Awards. Shaw’s remarkable achievement marks her second consecutive win, underscoring her enduring impact and exceptional leadership in the Birmingham business community.

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Announcements, Blog, Board Information, department news, News Releases

Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority (BJCTA) hired Amanda Hare to serve as the agency’s Marketing & Communications Manager, effective April 29, 2024. In this role, she will be responsible for The Authority’s marketing, advertising, communications, and enhancing community engagement.

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News Releases

Miles College, a historically Black college and university (HBCU) located in Fairfield, Alabama, is set to enhance transportation options for its students with the introduction of two transit buses donated by the Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority’s (BJCTA’s) MAX Transit.

The donation, which marks the first time Miles College will have its own transit buses, aims to provide students with convenient transportation both on and off campus, as well as to various area destinations.

Charlotte Shaw, Executive Director and CEO of MAX Transit, expressed her enthusiasm for the collaboration, stating, “Our buses are good buses. I can’t keep them in useful life for a long time. [Because of federal regulations], I can do only 700,000 miles or 15 years, whichever comes first. And, of course, most of the time I meet my miles first. … I had two really good buses, and I wanted [Miles] to have them.”

Miles College President Bobbie Knight expressed gratitude for the donation, highlighting the significance of accessible transportation in Fairfield. “I am grateful to [BJCTA Executive Director Shaw] because bus service does not come into Fairfield,” said President Knight. “If you go to Miles College and don’t have a car you can’t get around.”

The partnership between Miles College and MAX Transit began after a conversation between Shaw and Knight during a dinner meeting following Shaw’s “State of the Transit” address in January. Knight expressed interest in acquiring buses for the college, prompting Shaw to offer the vehicles as an in-kind donation.

“She was true to her word,” said Knight. “[Shaw] brought all of her team with her. We don’t have any drivers, [but] she told us [the BJCTA’s] drivers do a lot of part-time driving, … and she would give us their information so we can contact them.”

The buses, now parked on the Miles campus, will soon be adorned with the college’s signature purple and gold colors. However, Knight noted that sponsorship is needed to cover the cost of wrapping the buses, estimated at $9,000 per bus.

The introduction of transit buses opens up various opportunities for Miles College students, including grocery shopping trips to alleviate the challenges of living in a food desert, as well as visits to cultural and recreational destinations in the Birmingham area.

The collaboration between Miles College and MAX Transit represents a significant step forward in enhancing accessibility and mobility for students, further enriching the college experience and strengthening community ties.


News Releases

The Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority (BJCTA) is set to make waves in the transportation sector with its inaugural State of Transit Address, scheduled for January 8, 2024. Under the leadership of Executive Director/CEO Charlotte Shaw, BJCTA aims to outline a comprehensive five-year plan that promises to revolutionize transit in the region.

“MAX is creating new pathways to better connect our riders to their destinations,” declared CEO Shaw. “We’ve made significant strides in evaluating our services and implementing necessary changes during our initial planning phase, resulting in notable growth. But there’s still much more to be done, and we have exciting initiatives to share.”

One highlight of the event will be a morning demonstration featuring autonomous vehicle (AV) innovator, May Mobility. May Mobility’s groundbreaking approach to AV technology involves collaborating with cities to enhance public transit and fulfill its mission of creating safer, greener, and more accessible urban environments.

“Autonomous vehicles represent the growth of technology in transit,” Shaw emphasized. “We’re thrilled for Birmingham’s transportation leaders to experience an autonomous ride right here in the Magic City.” May Mobility’s technology has already facilitated over 350,000 autonomy-enabled rides across urban, suburban, and rural areas, showcasing its efficacy in modern transit services.

The State of Transit Address will feature executive leaders providing updates on various departments such as Planning, Operations, and Technology, reflecting BJCTA’s commitment to adapt to changing times and enhance customer experiences.

“Times are changing, and we are realigning our strategies to meet the evolving needs of today’s riders,” Shaw explained. “We look forward to outlining our strategic plan for the next three years.” Attendees will have the opportunity to view new vehicle designs and experience a live demonstration of BJCTA’s soon-to-launch integrated mobile app.

The event will culminate with a keynote address delivered by Executive Director/CEO Shaw, offering insights into BJCTA’s vision for the future of transit in the region.

For additional information on the State of Transit Address, visit