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Mission and Vision

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Our Mission

To provide safe, reliable, and excellent transit and other mobility services that contribute to the region’s economy, vitality, and sustainability.

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Our Vision

As the transportation leader in Central Alabama, we strive for excellence at all times. MAX, which stands for Metro Area Express, is the bus system operated by the Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority (BJCTA). We average approximately 3 million riders each year.

Currently, BJCTA does not receive dedicated funding from the Alabama Department of Transportation. Aside from federal funds, we are able to operate using local funding, beer tax, ad valorem taxes, and municipalities.

From new technology on our buses to a state-of-the-art Intermodal facility, we are changing the dynamics within our industry. Our goal each day is to Improve, Impact, and Ignite public transportation and the service we provide our riders.
Just as our mission statement suggest, we want to develop and maintain an effective, efficient, and safe system that is responsive to the mobility needs of the community. MAX transit encourages the use of public transportation which will in return contribute to the economic vitality of the community, the conservation of natural resources, and the protection of the environment.