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Meet our Customer of the Week- Marcus Everhart

Meet Mr. Marcus Everhart, our customer of the week!

Mr. Everhart has been riding with MAX for what he describes as a long time. He does not drive and depends on the bus to get where he needs to go. His usual routine is to ride routes #8 Sixth Avenue and #5 Ensley Wylam.

“I think the service is good and the service from the drivers is super!” he says. He describes his relationship with the bus operators as cordial. He enjoys talking with all of them and encouraging them. He feels that everyone needs encouragement sometime.

When asked what problems he has experienced with the service, he simply stated that he does not look for problems and therefore does not have them. “I only look to catch the bus and go where I want to go,” he says. 

When asked what he thinks about the construction and all of the progress happening with the organization, he answered that he thought it was nice.  He goes on to describe a time when a person visiting for the first time commented to him about how nice the new Central Station facility is. He said that he agreed fully with that person’s comment. “Everyone is doing a good job of keeping the facility clean,” he adds.

Mr. Everhart admits that the new dynamic bus bays are going to take a while for him to get used to.  He learned that he really has to pay attention to the announcements of bus arrivals and departures because he missed his bus the previous day. “It was my fault,” he says, “I was busy playing with my phone and did not hear the announcement.”

We thank Mr. Everhart for his positive attitude and sense of humor.  Congratulations, you are our customer of the week!


Mikesha Harvill Mikesha T. Harvill is the Marketing Specialist at BJCTA. She is a native of Birmingham, Alabama. She earned her Bachelor of Business from Faulkner University and is currently a graduate student studying communications. She loves to encourage and uplift people. When Mikesha is not working, you can find her reading, or enjoying time with her family.