General Information

Meet our Customer of the Week- Deric Jackson, Sr.

Meet Mr. Deric Jackson Sr., our customer of the week!

Mr. Jackson says he has been riding with MAX since he was fifteen years old. He enjoys riding most of the routes and does not have a favorite.  “I depend on MAX to get me to dialysis and doctors’ appointments,” he shares.

He has gotten to know most of the operators and passengers from riding with them regularly and enjoys conversing with them during their bus rides.

Mr. Jackson thinks that the operators are good people who know their riders and do their best to help them. 

We thank Mr. Jackson for his positive attitude and business.  Congratulations, you are our customer of the week!


Mikesha Harvill Mikesha T. Harvill is the Marketing Specialist at BJCTA. She is a native of Birmingham, Alabama. She earned her Bachelor of Business from Faulkner University and is currently a graduate student studying communications. She loves to encourage and uplift people. When Mikesha is not working, you can find her reading, or enjoying time with her family.