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Board Information

The Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority Board of Directors represents all the member communities that MAX Transit serves and the interests of the public.

Meet Our Board of Directors

The board of directors of the Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority is selected proportionally from the member governments that the authority supports. Click below to learn more about each board member

Upcoming Board Events

september, 2024

05sep12:00 pmPublic Notice of the BJCTA Board of Directors September Board Meeting

Meeting Minutes

<img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-14025 size-large" src="https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/BJCTA-Board-Meeting-Summary-12022020-1-720x1024.jpg" alt="" width="720" height="1024" srcset="https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/BJCTA-Board-Meeting-Summary-12022020-1-720x1024.jpg 720w, https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/BJCTA-Board-Meeting-Summary-12022020-1-211x300.jpg 211w, https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/BJCTA-Board-Meeting-Summary-12022020-1-768x1092.jpg 768w, https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/BJCTA-Board-Meeting-Summary-12022020-1-1080x1536.jpg 1080w, https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/BJCTA-Board-Meeting-Summary-12022020-1-scaled.jpg 1440w, https://maxtransit.org...

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Front Page Items, General Information, Public Notice

PUBLIC NOTICEDecember 1, 2020Notice is now given for the following meetings of theBirmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority’s Board of Directors:2020 BJCTA Board and Executive Leadership Training RetreatWhen: Friday, Dec 4, 2020 08:30 AM – 1:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)Topic: Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Board + Leadership Training Retreat(Virtual Style)Register in advance for this webinar:https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OUJkal6FSeCF7Eq17OSShAAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joiningthe webinar. Theodore “Ted” Smith, Board Chairman

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Meeting Minutes

REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSWednesday, December 2, 202012 NoonAGENDAhttps://global.gotomeeting.com/join/263264909You can also dial in using your phone.United States: +1 (224) 501-3412Access Code: 263-264-909I.          Call to Order- Chair SmithII.         Roll Call & Establishment of Quorum              BJCTA Board Members: Darryl Cunningham; Willie Davis, III; Donald Harwell; LeDon Jones;              Johnnye P. Lassiter; Sam Parker; Kevin Powe; Martin Weinberg; Theodore “Ted” SmithIII.        InvocationIV.        Pledge of AllegianceV.         Adoption of the AgendaVI.       Adoption of Minutes             A. Regular Meeting of the Board – November 4, 2020             B. Special Called Meeting – November 6, 2020             C. Special<a class="more-link" href="https://m...

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Front Page Items, General Information, Public Notice

PUBLIC NOTICENovember 25, 2020Amid concerns for public safety as a result of COVID-19, the BJCTA Board of Directors will beconducting the meeting(s) listed below virtually in compliance with the Proclamation issued by theGovernor of Alabama.Notice is now given for the following meetings of theBirmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority’s Board of Directors:The public is encouraged to participate in the meeting via the meeting link and/or dial-in number below. Publiccomments should be submitted to communications@bjcta.org by 12:15pm the day of the meeting.BJCTA Regular Meeting of the Board of DirectorsWednesday, December 2, 202012:00 NOONPurpose:SEE DETAILS <sp...

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Meeting Minutes

<img decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-13943 size-large" src="https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ED-Evaluation-Committee-Summary-791x1024.jpg" alt="" width="791" height="1024" srcset="https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ED-Evaluation-Committee-Summary-791x1024.jpg 791w, https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ED-Evaluation-Committee-Summary-232x300.jpg 232w, https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ED-Evaluation-Committee-Summary-768x994.jpg 768w, https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ED-Evaluation-Committee-Summary-1187x1536.jpg 1187w, https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ED-Evaluation-Committee-Summary.jpg 1583w, https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ED-Evaluation-Committee-Summary-425x550.jpg...

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