General Information

A Piece of the Pie


Have you ever felt like you have a great product or service, but you just can’t compete with the bigger more established companies? How about feeling like transit is dominated by men and women aren’t allowed to eat from the table? Well, at MAX Transit, leave those thoughts at the door. MAX Transit is committed to diversifying our partnerships. How can MAX Transit create opportunities for disadvantage business or individuals who normally don’t couldn’t even get into the restaurant yet alone eat a piece of the pie being served?MAX Transit participates in what is known as Disadvantage Business Enterprise Program (DBE). This program provides opportunities for minorities to compete with larger more established companies. Participants in the DBE program receive funding for projects from federal dollars from grants with the FAA, FHWA, and the FTA. This program is designed to eliminate barriers that minorities and disadvantage businesses encounter when they are trying to contract regarding construction, service contracts, or leases.


Who Can Participate?


Ownership: 51% owned by one more minority individuals·    

Control: Owner(s) must control the business operations of the firm.·    

Socially disadvantaged: African American, Female, Native American, Asian-Pacific and other minority classifications·    

Economically disadvantaged: Personal net worth must be below $1.32 million and business gross less than $23.98 million.·    

Status: Firm must be an existing small business, as defined by Small Business Administration Standards

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