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MAX Transit Ambassador Program

The MAX Transit Ambassador Program (MTAP) promotes public transit accessibility, sustainability, and community connectivity through advocacy, education, and engagement.MTAP aims to harness the enthusiasm and passion of transit customers to enhance the public transit experience, promote its benefits, and address community needs. Through education, engagement, and advocacy, ambassadors will serve as advocates for public transit, fostering a positive relationship between transit authorities, operators, and the community.


  • Increase awareness and usage of public transit.
  • Improve the public transit experience for all users.
  • Foster a sense of community and inclusivity.
  • Gather feedback and insights to inform transit improvements.
  • Promote sustainability and environmental consciousness


  • Comprehensive training will be provided to selected ambassadors, covering topics such as public transit operations, customer service skills, diversity and inclusion, safety protocols, and communication strategies.
  • Ongoing training sessions will also be offered to keep ambassadors updated on new developments, initiatives, and best practices.
  • Ambassadors accepted into the program must attend a two-day required training. This training will cover applicable agency policies, general overview information about the transit agency, and (time permitting) a field trip on MAX transit. Where possible, Transit Ambassadors continue to learn by teaming up with other TAs with greater experience, on initial assignments.

Roles and Responsibilities of Ambassadors

  • Serve as friendly and knowledgeable points of contact for transit users, providing assistance, information, and guidance as needed.
  • Report concerns to the designated BJCTA leader. Prohibited from addressing issues with BJCTA operators. 
  • Advocate for the needs of transit users, communicating their insights and suggestions to transit authorities and operators.
  • Promote transit etiquette, safety awareness, and sustainable transportation practices among fellow passengers.
  • Potentially gather feedback at community events and while riding routes.
  • Maintain a positive attitude.

Transit Ambassador Qualifications

  • Ride designated route at least twice a week.
  • 18 years of age or older.
  • No current or previous suspensions or system bans.
  • Ability to attend transit ambassador meetings (Time designated by BJCTA).
  • Wear transit ambassador apparel when volunteering.
  • Apply for program through MAX.
  • Follow the MAX Transit Code of Conduct 

Transit Ambassador Guidelines

As a volunteer representative of MAX, Transit Ambassadors are expected to maintain a professional image. All TAs will abide by appropriate dress and grooming standards, at all times. All TAs will be safe and promote safety in their duties. In conversing with the public, TAs will focus on the promotion of MAX and will avoid discussing controversial subjects or topics. TAs will not make statements on behalf of the agency to the media and will not make promises regarding MAX Transit services or operations to the general public. Ambassadors are volunteers and shall not receive compensation for his or her services. Any consideration provided by MAX as provided herein is considered an incidental benefit in order to provide such services, as described. All volunteer ambassador services are to be offered freely by each individual and without pressure and coercion, direct or implied, from an employer.