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Board News

Board News
Agendas and Board Packets, Front Page Items, General Information, Public Notice

FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETINGWednesday, January 20, 202110:00 AMAGENDAhttps://global.gotomeeting.com/join/127973957You can also dial in using your phone.United States:+1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 127-973-957 I. Call to Order- Chair SmithII. Roll Call/ Establishment of QuorumIII. Adoption of AgendaIV. Adoption of Meeting MinuteIVA. December 16, 2020V. Monthly Financial ReportVI. COVID-19 UpdateVII. Human Resources UpdateVIII. Information Technology UpdateIX. Executive Director’s ReportX. Resolutions for Consideration and ApprovalA. Resolution 2021-12 Customer and Community Satisfaction Survey; 1) Customer andCommunity Satisfaction Survey 2) Strategic Planning 3) Performance Measurementand Benchmarking (Key Performance Indicators)- Authorization for the Executive Director ...

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Agendas and Board Packets, Meeting Minutes

PLANNING & PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGWednesday, January 20, 2021Immediately following the Finance & Administration Committee MeetingAGENDAhttps://global.gotomeeting.com/join/127973957You can also dial in using your phone.United States: +1 (408) 650-3123Access Code: 127-973-957I. Call to OrderII. Roll Call/ Establishment of QuorumIII. Adoption of AgendaIV. Adoption of Meeting MinutesA. December 16, 2020V. Executive Director’s ReportVI. BRT – MAX Staff UpdateVII. Farmer’s Market UpdateVIII. Planning Department UpdateIX. Resolutions for Consideration and ApprovalX. Items for Information and/or DiscussionA. Departmental ReportsXI. Old BusinessXII. New BusinessXIII. AdjournmentClick here to download the file

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Front Page Items, General Information, Public Notice

PUBLIC NOTICEJanuary 15, 2021Amid concerns for public safety as a result of COVID-19, this informational update to the BJCTABoard of Directors will be conducted via conference call in compliance with the Proclamation issuedby the Governor of Alabama.Notice is now given for the following meetings of theBirmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority’s Board of Directors:Wednesday, January 20, 2021BJCTA Committee MeetingsFinance & Administration Committee – Beginning at 10amPlanning & Program Development – Immediately following Finance & AdministrationOperations – Immediately following Planning & Program DevelopmentExecutive Director Evaluation CommitteeImmediately following the Operations Committee MeetingSpecial Called MeetingImmediately<a class="more-link" href="https:...

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Meeting Minutes

<img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="aligncenter wp-image-14168 size-large" src="https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/MEETING-OF-SUMMARY-Regular-Meeting-of-the-Board-of-Directors-January-2021-1-724x1024.jpg" alt="" width="724" height="1024" srcset="https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/MEETING-OF-SUMMARY-Regular-Meeting-of-the-Board-of-Directors-January-2021-1-724x1024.jpg 724w, https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/MEETING-OF-SUMMARY-Regular-Meeting-of-the-Board-of-Directors-January-2021-1-212x300.jpg 212w, https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/MEETING-OF-SUMMARY-Regular-Meeting-of-the-Board-of-Directors-January-2021-1-768x1087.jpg 768w, https://maxtransit.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/MEETING-OF-SUMMARY-Regular-Meeting-of-the...

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Meeting Minutes

REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSWednesday, January 6, 202112 NoonAGENDAhttps://global.gotomeeting.com/join/263264909You can also dial in using your phone.United States: +1 (224) 501-3412Access Code: 263-264-909I. Call to Order- Chair SmithII. Roll Call & Establishment of QuorumBJCTA Board Members: Darryl Cunningham; Willie Davis, III; Donald Harwell; LeDon Jones;Johnnye P. Lassiter; Sam Parker; Kevin Powe; Martin Weinberg; Theodore “Ted” SmithIII. InvocationIV. Pledge of AllegianceV. Adoption of the AgendaVI. Adoption of MinutesA. Regular Meeting of the Board – December 2, 2020VII. Public Comment*VIII. Chairman’s ReportIX. Transit Citizens Advisory Board (TCAB) UpdateX. Birmingham Xpress (BRT)<a class="more-link" href="https://maxtransit.org/regular-meeting-of-the-board-of-dir...

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